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9:40am 12-04-2022
love your website ^ww^
12:20am 06-18-2021
Hello! I stumbled across your blog from some pics you had provided for the lolibrary listing for Toy Box Metamorphose JSK. I'm sorry for the random message but I couldn't find anymore contact info on here. Have you any experience with washing this dress and do you know if the print runs? Thankyou in advance <3
Replied on: 11:07am 06-18-2021

Thanks for asking, I’m always happy to talk about lolita fashion!
I have successfully washed this dress on a quick 30 minute 30 degrees C cycle in my machine with no print run, though I always put in a colour catcher just in case. I also put it in a delicates bag to protect it and wash it on its own.
I’m glad you also own this dress, it’s such a beautiful, fun print.
Hope this helps

8:08am 06-14-2021
Omg your flatlays are super perfect, I can't- Thanks for keeping the blog updated! <3
9:17pm 04-02-2021
love all ur gal stuff! that poor jacket!!! ;-;
7:20pm 11-01-2020
ur cyanotypes are to die forrr !!!! so pretty
10:06pm 09-26-2020
I loved reading about the alba rosa jacket, waaa. I wish I could meet that gyaru. added your site to my links page! <3
7:32pm 08-23-2020
Really cool stuff
11:24pm 08-12-2020
this website is so nostalgic and fun!! love the style, thanks for uploading~☆
10:53pm 07-31-2020
I LOVE the new sections you have added! The site just keeps getting cooler! And thank you for adding me in the links ; )
2:09pm 06-07-2020
I love all the OP detail pages and new coords you've done! <3 <3
10/10 best wardrobe site B )
12:34am 05-16-2020
Hi, just wanted to say that all your coordinates are so perfect. I love your style. Your website is so cute.
6:17pm 01-23-2020
Alice (TitMC)
Hi Mermaidgrey!

I love your site so much! It has changed so much since I last saw it and it's so cool! I am very very excited to see all of your blouses laid out > : D

- Trouble